News and Events Categories: Health & Wellbeing

Green recovery: how can buildings and cities help?

June 4, 2020

CIBSE hosted an event on the green recovery with speakers from Architects Declare, the RTPI and the Landscape Institute There are growing calls for the post-pandemic plans to promote a “green” recovery, from policies and financial incentives through to our ways of moving, living and working. The built environment has a central role to play in … Read more

LCCP April 2020 Update

April 8, 2020

We hope that this update finds you well and safe. Despite the disruption, the LCCP is no stranger to working online, and we intend to continue to foster collaboration and knowledge transfer through virtual meetings and events. We are working with partners to move some scheduled events to an online format, or to postpone until … Read more

Climate Risk Disclosure: Implications and climate services for asset owners

April 6, 2020

Climate Risk Disclosure: implications and climate services for asset owners Organized by LCCP and Space4Climate Background: In response to a call from G20 leaders, the Financial Stability Board established the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to enhance transparency on the financial risks to investors from climate change. The TCFD published guidelines for voluntary reporting, … Read more

UKCP18 Data Tool

April 2, 2020

We hosted a discussion with partners about the potential for a data tool to help make UK Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) more accessible and relevant to adaptation planning in London. Led by TfL, the intention is to produce a resource including the RCPs/scenarios and other data relevant not only to transport adaptation planning, but to users … Read more

Heat data and vulnerability

February 4, 2020

In November we hosted a small workshop to start a conversation about the potential to obtain and use data to create a heat vulnerability index for cities, or a similar information product to support implementation, measuring progress, and monitoring risk across a range of different needs and sectors. Around 35 participants from across policy, environmental … Read more

Climate Risk Disclosure @Futurebuild 2020

October 22, 2019

Climate Risk Disclosure: what you need to know   Background: In response to a call from G20 leaders, the Financial Stability Board established the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to enhance transparency about the financial risks to investors from climate change. The TCFD published recommendations, which the UK Government formally endorsed in 2017, and … Read more

From Emergency Response to Year-Round Resilience: Managing Heat in London

July 8, 2019

When dealing with the effects of hot weather and heatwaves, our emergency response tends to work well. However, the data tell us that the most severe impacts on human health tend to occur outside of alert periods, suggesting that to protect vulnerable people, the focus needs to shift to year-round engagement and behaviour change. This … Read more

Futurebuild 2019: London’s Climate Resilience

April 5, 2019

ExCel, London London is already feeling the impacts of climate change, both directly with severe weather in the city, and indirectly, because of its interconnectedness with the global economy and reliance on imported resources. This session brought together a range of expertise to explore how to ensure the viability of London’s society, economy, and environment … Read more

London Flood Awareness Week 2018

October 17, 2018

London Flood Awareness Week runs from 12-18 November 2018 and involves a partnership of the Mayor of London, Environment Agency, Thames Water and London Resilience working together to improve awareness of flood risk and help Londoners get prepared ahead of the winter months. The website is now up and running. Find out all about things you … Read more

Climate change and health and wellbeing for cities, informal settlements

July 2, 2018

Please join our colleagues at International Institute for Environment and Development  on 9th July for a panel discussion: Climate change, health and well-being for cities and informal settlements in the Global South With Siddharth Agarwal, Sari Kovats, and David Satterthwaite Dr David Satterthwaite will summarize what we know (and don’t know) about urban health issues … Read more