February 2, 2008
The report’s focus is to inform and promote the adaptation of the existing residential building stock for a future climate. The study covers dwellings from private individuals to housing associations, with an emphasis on water conservation, drainage, flood risk and ventilation. … Read publication
May 31, 2007
The London Climate Change Partnership Leaflet provides you with a simple summary about what the Partnership is, what London’s the major climate risks are, and what publications have been developed to help Londoners prepare for climate change impacts. It’s a simple one-stop-shop about the Partnership, designed for all Londoners. … Read publication
March 2, 2007
The report provides case studies of developments or buildings that use techniques relevant to key climate change adaptations issues such as location, site layout, ventilation, drainage, water, outdoor spaces and connectivity. The examples were chosen because they demonstrate techniques or design features which can minimise exposure to climate risk through their design life. … Read publication
November 2, 2006
This report examines how London is financially exposed to global climatic events. It highlights the responsibilities, challenges and opportunities facing London’s financial service sectors, and poses a number of key questions that place adaptation to unavoidable climate change at the heart of the decision-making process. … Read publication
October 2, 2006
This report sets out the climate change adaptation issues that planners and developers should consider at each stage of the development process, and ways to respond to them. It will help planners and developers implement current planning guidance and links up with the government’s wider approac to climate change adaptation. … Read publication
June 2, 2006
Lessons for London reviews how other major international cities are managing climate risks. The report identifies international case studies for climate change adaptation and informs the formation of climate adaptation planning policies for London, especially the Further Alterations to the London Plan. … Read publication
November 2, 2005
The report argues for the principle that developments should be designed to be adapted to the changing climate throughout their lifetime. The guidance covers water re-use and efficiency, reducing flood risk, avoiding overheating and minimising damage from subsidence and heave. … Read publication
September 2, 2005
This report looks at the challenges faced by London’s transport systems from climate change, what is already being done to address these changes and further actions for consideration. … Read publication
November 2, 2002
The study looks at a broad range of impacts across issues such as flooding, water resources, health, the built environment, transport and other infrastructure, business, tourism, biodiversity, lifestyles. … Read publication