
The impacts of climate change on London’s transport systems

2 September 2005

Climate change and Londons transport systems (793.61 KB)

This report looks at the challenges faced by London’s transport systems from climate change, what is already being done to address these changes and further actions for consideration.

The report provides four case studies; tidal and river flooding affecting new infrastructure in the Thames Gateway; local flooding of transport infrastructure; damage to national rail and road infrastructure from hot weather; and passenger comfort on the London Underground in hot weather.

The report recommends a number of key actions to ensure that London is better prepared for the risks arising from climate change. It advises that new infrastructure, rolling stock and vehicles should be designed for the climate they will experience in their lifetime; suggests a review of existing infrastructure should be carried out to determine the risks posed by climate change; and that research into how weather affects public choice of what transport mode they use should be carried out.