News and Events Categories: Research

Urban Albedo: digital tools for urban resilience and growth

September 5, 2018

The Urban Albedo project, which aims to create an urban albedo calculation tool to help planners, urban designers, architects, engineers, and others cool the city through good design and selection of building materials. This event, marking the first day of Green Great Britain Week, provides an opportunity for urban practitioners and planners to learn about … Read more

Climate change and health and wellbeing for cities, informal settlements

July 2, 2018

Please join our colleagues at International Institute for Environment and Development  on 9th July for a panel discussion: Climate change, health and well-being for cities and informal settlements in the Global South With Siddharth Agarwal, Sari Kovats, and David Satterthwaite Dr David Satterthwaite will summarize what we know (and don’t know) about urban health issues … Read more

Monitoring Health Sector Adaptation in London

June 1, 2018

We invite colleagues from health and social care sectors to join us for a discussion about climate change impacts on health and well-being, how well London’s health sector is adapting, and how we can monitor progress. Background: The new London Environment Strategy sets out a sector-based approach to climate change adaptation, with the London Climate Change Partnership bringing … Read more

Responding to Hot Weather Events in Cities

May 9, 2018

As part of a program of research on responses to climate change, Surrey University is developing a research project on perceptions of and responses to hot weather events in cities.   In partnership with Surrey and the British Sociological Association, we are organizing  a workshop  to help set the direction and the form of the … Read more

Heat Risk in London Group

April 30, 2018

Featured presentations from the GLA GI focus map, a new heat-related Surrey University fellowship, and a project on urban albedo.   For more information, contact Kristen.

Earth Observation Data and City Adaptation Monitoring

February 2, 2018

We’re delighted to invite partners and stakeholders to a workshop bringing together world-class expertise in Earth Observation research and decision-makers from across sectors to support climate change adaptation in London. The workshop, convened by the London Climate Change Partnership and the Space4Climate group, will include three keynote talks to set the context and then a … Read more

Climate Just Take 2

January 5, 2018

February 16, 2018 City Hall, London The Climate Just team at the University of Manchester are delighted to present the new version of Climate Just, three years and 25,000 users after the original launch in February 2015. We hope that stakeholders from public service providers will join us for some insightful presentations, lively debate and … Read more

URBANFLUXES demonstration meetings

November 20, 2017

URBANFLUXES project information The URBANFLUXES project will run two demonstration meetings on December 6, one for scientists and technical stakeholders, and one for decision-makers concerned with reducing urban heat, improving thermal comfort, and improving energy efficiency. H2020-Space project URBANFLUXES (URBan ANthrpogenic heat FLUX from Earth observation Satellites) investigated the potential of Copernicus Sentinels to distinguish … Read more

Breakfast briefing: Environmental Risk Disclosure Services

December 19, City Hall Space4Climate and LCCP will run a breakfast briefing and networking event for environmental consultancies and providers of geo-spatial data about climate- and environment-related risk disclosure. We’ll be looking at how best to support organisations with voluntary reporting of climate risk, and showcase ways in which satellite data is being used to understand environmental … Read more

Road to 2020: Delivering low carbon homes cost effectively

February 5, 2016

This event will take you through the existing and upcoming opportunities to deliver low carbon homes cost effectively in the UK. … Read more