News and Events Categories: Drought

How Climate-Resilient are London’s Businesses?

June 10, 2019

This business roundtable event explored London’s physical and transition climate risks and what this means for businesses in London. Exploring current knowledge about risks and opportunities, we revisited the business case for ensuring climate-resilient investment in buildings and infrastructure. Companies and sectoral organizations shared their experiences and explained what challenges exist. The discussion was intended … Read more

Futurebuild 2019: London’s Climate Resilience

April 5, 2019

ExCel, London London is already feeling the impacts of climate change, both directly with severe weather in the city, and indirectly, because of its interconnectedness with the global economy and reliance on imported resources. This session brought together a range of expertise to explore how to ensure the viability of London’s society, economy, and environment … Read more

UKCP18 Briefing

October 10, 2018

The 2018 UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) will be a major upgrade to the range of UK climate projection tools designed to help decision-makers assess their risk exposure to climate. The project will build upon the current set of projections (UKCP09) to provide the most up-to date assessment of how the climate of the UK may … Read more

Earth Observation Data and City Adaptation Monitoring

February 2, 2018

We’re delighted to invite partners and stakeholders to a workshop bringing together world-class expertise in Earth Observation research and decision-makers from across sectors to support climate change adaptation in London. The workshop, convened by the London Climate Change Partnership and the Space4Climate group, will include three keynote talks to set the context and then a … Read more

Breakfast briefing: Environmental Risk Disclosure Services

November 20, 2017

December 19, City Hall Space4Climate and LCCP will run a breakfast briefing and networking event for environmental consultancies and providers of geo-spatial data about climate- and environment-related risk disclosure. We’ll be looking at how best to support organisations with voluntary reporting of climate risk, and showcase ways in which satellite data is being used to understand environmental … Read more

Climate Just: tailored solutions to improve your area’s resilience to climate change

February 5, 2016

Thanks to Climate Just, you can look at climate change impacts across England at a neighbourhood level. Those training events helped attendees to use and apply the Climate Just’s resources in practice. … Read more

Discover the new UKCP09 climate change projections website

December 10, 2014

The UKCP09 climate change projections website has been refreshed and updated based on customer feedback. UKCP09 remains the leading source of climate change information for the UK. … Read more

Screening of ‘Wind of Change’, a film about climate and health

November 5, 2014

On 31 October the Royal Society of Medicine screened this award-winning documentary, which follows Kisilu, a Kenyan farmer and father of seven children, and his family living on the front line of climate change. … Read more