
Equinox Care

Equinox Care

17 October 2012

Climate change is expected to have a range of impacts on human health in the UK, mainly due to higher average temperatures and an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather, such as heat waves and flood. Groups with pre-existing vulnerabilities are expected to be most affected by these impacts. London, with its dense urban environment and lack of green space, is particularly susceptible to heat. … View case study

Drain London

Drain London

17 September 2012

Surface Water flood risk has for a long time been poorly understood, recorded and mapped. For London with its combination of predominantly underlying clay soils and extensive impermeable surfaces, it is recognised that the risk of surface water flooding is high. … View case study

National Centre for Voluntary Organisations

National Centre for Voluntary Organisations

21 August 2012

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) champions and strengthens the voluntary sector in England. NCVO recognises that climate change will affect all aspects of society. It believes that voluntary organisations have a crucial role to play in helping communities across the country to respond to the emerging challenges. … View case study

Green benefits in Victoria Business Improvement District

Green benefits in Victoria Business Improvement District

1 August 2012

The report presents a quantitative assessment of the air pollution, amenity, carbon storage and sequestration benefits of trees as well as the storm water and surface temperature benefits of existing green infrastructure in the Victoria BID. Trees in particular can provide a wide range of benefits such as storing carbon, reducing the urban heat island effect and improving air quality. … Read publication

Overheating Thresholds Report

Overheating Thresholds Report

8 June 2012

This report summarises the findings of a small qualitative research project which has identified some key hot weather related thresholds relevant to London and its urban systems. … Read publication

Climate change risk assessment for London

Climate change risk assessment for London

26 January 2012

This document is an initial interpretation of how the CCRA identifies the opportunities and risks for London. … Read publication

London’s changing climate: In sickness and in health

London’s changing climate: In sickness and in health

17 March 2011

The London Climate Change Partnership has produced this document (March 2011) as a tool to aid health and social care commissioners and providers as they begin to design and shape their services in the new delivery landscape. … Read publication

Adapting to climate change: Creating natural resilience

Adapting to climate change: Creating natural resilience

17 October 2009

This document sets out actions needed to ensure impacts on biodiversity from climate change are minimised and opportunities are maximised. … Read publication

Wild weather warning: a London climate impacts profile

Wild weather warning: a London climate impacts profile

1 October 2009

The London Climate Impacts Profile is an LCLIP for London and reviews the ways in which weather has impacted service provision in London over the last 10 years. An LCLIP is not a risk assessment but a simple tool to enable engagement and communication about climate change adaptation. … Read publication

London’s commercial building stock and climate change adaptation

London’s commercial building stock and climate change adaptation

2 September 2009

This document is intended to highlight the need for adaptation, to illustrate the business opportunities and encourage proactive dialogue and action within London’s commercial property professionals. It sets out the key vulnerabilities and adaptation actions for London’s leaders in planning, design, development, valuation, finance and legal professions. … Read publication