News and Events Categories:

London Climate Change Partnership welcomes new members

July 9, 2013

Professor Chris Rapley, Chair of LCCP, today welcomed three new Members to the London Climate Change Partnership: the Grantham Research Institute, University College London and Trucost. … Read more

Climate UK welcomes new Met Office service

June 4, 2013

On 3 June 2013, the Met Office launched Climate Service UK, its new brand which encompasses the range of climate science services it provides within the UK. To help avoid confusion between the two names Climate UK has offered its interpretation about how the services of Climate UK and Climate Service UK differ, but are also complementary. … Read more

Decent Homes are resilient homes says LCCP and Sustainable Homes

February 21, 2013

SHIFT’S conference, ‘Saving water and reducing the impacts of flooding’ on 27 February will highlight that social housing providers need to prepare to face more flooding and more water shortages in future. As part of this LCCP publication ‘Your social housing in a changing climate’ will be used to highlight what can be done. … Read more

LCCP releases report and invites housing providers to build on recommendations

February 12, 2013

The London Climate Change Partnership released its report ‘Your social housing in a changing climate’ at City Hall on 12 February. … Read more

Professor Chris Rapley appointed new Chair of LCCP

February 8, 2013

Professor Chris Rapley CBE, the notable scientist has today been appointed as the Chair of the London Climate Change Partnership. Prof Rapley is Professor of Climate Science at University College London and his illustrious career (including his role as Director of the Science Museum London) demonstrates his commitment to understanding and adapting to the impacts of climate change at a local and international level. … Read more

LCCP’s Annual Forum held on 29 November 2012

December 12, 2012

A write-up of our Forum, featuring presentation slides … Read more

Two towers fit for the century to come

July 15, 2012

Residents in two tower blocks in Barking have benefited from ground-breaking works to upgrade the performance of their homes and ensure they are more resilient to extreme weather. The tower blocks have been extensively refurbished and set a new standard for renovation. … Read more

Planning and Climate Change Guidance published

April 25, 2012

Climate UK is proud to support the publication of the first sector-led environmental planning guidance of its kind since the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) took effect last month.  The guide is being launched in Parliament today by the Planning and Climate Change Coalition. The Coalition represents over 35 cross-sector organisations and is led by the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) and Friends of the Earth. … Read more

UK Climate Change Risk Assessment published

January 26, 2012

The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) 2012 has now been published. It is the first assessment of its kind for the UK and the first in a 5-year cycle. It provides underpinning evidence that can be used by Government to help inform priorities for action and appropriate adaptation measures. It also highlights where more work is needed to understand the scale and nature of the risks, and to help us consider what action we need to take and as such will inform the development of the National Adaptation Programme (NAP) which UK Government will publish in 2013. … Read more