Previous Events

Green Infrastructure for Health, Well-being, and Climate Resilience

02 July 2020, 13:00-14:30
Online meeting

The London Climate Change Partnership, in partnership with the MESH climate services network, organized this online event during London Climate Action Week about green infrastructure to promote health, well-being, and climate resilience in indoor and outdoor building environments.

With everyone talking about the importance of green space for health and especially in light of COVID-19 (but precious little about specifics and practical solutions), we want to promote the practical learning from projects that could point to specifics of how to use greening for health, well-being, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

We also explored opportunities to support implementation of green space for people and nature – including through innovative funding mechanisms.

View the agenda here.

Watch a recording of the event here.


Biophilia and the Built Environment, Flavie Lowres, BRE

Mitigating the climate and ecological crisis in the urban environment, Robert Winch, UKGBC

Green Roof Shelters: connecting people to nature through everyday structures, John Little, Duncan Kramer, Green Roof Shelters

Greening for air quality in schools – implementation & strategies: Joe Clancy, WSP

A new framework for green infrastructure implementation: Prof. Prashant Kumar, Surrey University

Highlights from around the MESH networkBriony Turner, Space4Climate, MESH

Further resources identified by participants and speakers are listed here.