News and Events Categories:

London Assembly Economy Committee assess climate risks to London economy

July 23, 2015

Today the London Assembly Economy Committee published the report Weathering the Storm, looking into the impact of climate change on London’s economy in terms of risks and opportunities. … Read more

Reducing emissions and preparing for climate change: a roadmap for the new Government

June 30, 2015

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has produced its first report to the new parliament regarding reducing emissions and preparing for climate change. … Read more

2071: if you have missed the play, read the book!

June 26, 2015

In the follow-up of the 2071 play success, performed by LCCP Chair Prof Chris Rapley at the Royal Court Theatre, the 2071 text is now available from any bookshop or via Amazon! … Read more

London’s Climathon: 24-hours to hack Energy, Water, Waste and Governance challenges

June 18, 2015

Today marks the start of the Climate-KIC Climathon, a global 24-hour hackathon series that will be hosted simultaneously in major cities around the world on 18 June 2015. … Read more

Find out about HIRAM, a tool to understand climate change impacts on transport

May 27, 2015

HIRAM – for Highways Infrastructure Resilience Assessment Modelling– was developed in South West England with Climate UK, the Met Office and the Environment Agency. … Read more

Public Health England releases Heatwave Plan for England

May 21, 2015

The Heatwave Plan for England was recently released, and the Met Office will be in charge of issuing Heatwave Alerts when relevant from 1 June to 15 September 2015. … Read more

Can London weather the storm?

March 30, 2015

The London Assembly Environment Committee report, ‘Come rain or shine: London’s adaptation to the risks of severe weather’ warns that thousands of seasonal deaths during moist winters and scorching summers are expected to become the norm. … Read more

Discover the playtext from 2071

February 6, 2015

Text from the acclaimed 2071 play performed by LCCP Chair Chris Rapley at the Royal Court Theatre is now available online. … Read more

Climate Just website maps England’s climate disadvantage ‘hot spots’

February 4, 2015

For the first time in England, on a publicly available website, we are able to see this effect mapped across the country at a neighbourhood level. … Read more

LHC plans to help LCCP deliver its Vision for London’s future

December 22, 2014

LCCP is looking forward to working with LHC in order to help mainstreaming climate adaptation in building retrofit. LHC’s practical expertise will be a great addition to LCCP’s membership. … Read more