
Urban Albedo

Urban Albedo Computation in High-Latitude Locations: An Experimental Approach (Urban Albedo)

The Urban Albedo project is a partnership between Kent University, Loughborough University, and Brunel University, funded by EPSRC.

The project aims and objectives are to:

  • Incorporate accurate calculation and prediction of urbanĀ albedo in the planning and design process
  • Investigate experimentally the impact of urban fabric on urban albedo, using London as a case study
  • Develop a catalogue of urban albedo for various materials and geometrical confugurations
  • Develop an urban albedo calculator, an empirical model to predict changes in urban albedo in relation to changes in urban fabric and solar altitude

Find an introductory presentation about the project here.

Read the Urban Albedo Fact Sheet here.

The Urban Albedo first stakeholder event is happening! Find out more and register here.