
Spring 2023 Newsletter

Posted on 19/05/23 by Jude Hassall

News and launches


CCC adaptation progress report to Government 2023

The report is highly critical of government and its National Adaptation Programme – calling the latest iteration, NAP 2, not good enough, ineffective, partial and lacking ambition. DEFRA are working now on the next iteration NAP3 which is due out in June and I’m sure will read the CCC report with interest. We hope to see some of the recommendations made by the Committee reflected in the new NAP.


The report detailed 45 outcomes that are needed across 13 sectors, but notes progress in only five of these. The key asks within the report are as follows:


  1. A vision – the UK needs a clearer vision for what a well adapted UK would look like – to help galvanise and focus investment and action
  2. Ambition – what’s needs to happen rather than a focus on what’s already happening
  3. Delivery – a focus on delivery and implementation and the effective governance needed to ensure delivery at scale
  4. A fuller scope – comprehensive, and addressing all of the risks outlined within the report, both national and international
  5. Monitoring progress – more effective reporting and monitoring of progress, particularly by critical infrastructure owners
  6. A living programme – demonstration of continuous improvement and development with a dedicated and stable government resource to manage it


You can read the full report here: Progress in adapting to climate change – 2023 Report to Parliament – Climate Change Committee (

And the Carbon Brief analysis here: CCC: England has ‘lost a decade’ in fight to prepare for climate change impacts – Carbon Brief


Transport for London, Adaptation Plan launch

 LCCP partner, TfL have recently launched their new adaptation plan outlining actions across the organisation to build better resilience to the impacts of climate change across the network.

You can read the plan and full risk assessment here:


IPCC sixth assessment synthesis report

 The IPCC published its most recent analysis of the impacts of climate change across the planet. It makes for sobering reading noting that the window to deliver a sustainable liveable future for us all is closing.

Read the report here:

Read the carbon brief Q&A here:




 NAP process – DEFRA consultation on the Adaptation Reporting Power

The deadline to respond to the Adaptation Reporting consultation is 5th April 2023, which is quickly approaching. The consultation is accessible here. DEFRA noted – ‘We greatly value your views as we look to expand the scope of reporting in the next round to include LAs. I strongly encourage responses to ensure the strategy for the upcoming fourth round accurately reflects reporting needs and expectations. The 5th April is a hard deadline, as we are expected to produce the final strategy for early May so please make every effort to submit your response by then.’


Research and analysis

UK Climate Resilience Programme – OPENCLIM – open climate impacts modelling framework

 This project – outputs launching today, is designed to support the UK assessment of climate risks and adaptation, including future risk assessments and the National Adaptation programmes by applying an integrated assessment model.



Institute of Chartered Accountants England & Wales-  vacancies: 

 Sustainability Manager, Society. Closing date 14 April