
September 2023 newsletter – A year of adaptation and resilience – London’s climate resilience review closes for evidence; NAP and reactions

Posted on 5/10/23 by Jude Hassall

Welcome to the LCCP September newsletter. Our main news for this month is that the London Climate Resilience Review’s call for evidence has now closed. We hope your organisations submitted responses, and are looking forward to seeing the Review’s final report and recommendations at the end of the year


Reports, publications and consultations

Third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3), published on 17 July 2023

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) commissioned Spatial Planning for Climate Resilience & Net Zero, published on 19 July 2023 written by the Centre for Sustainable Energy and the Town and Country Planning Association.

Southwark Council survey open until 9 October 2023, for views on how to make the borough as prepared as possible for the impacts of climate change



Mayor of London warns that is London facing 45C days ‘in foreseeable future’

Researchers at the University of Oxford have warned that the UK is amongst the countries that will see the greatest relative increase in uncomfortably hot days and is underprepared for this

How the UK must change to avoid the ‘global boiling’ era of climate change

UK Committee on Climate Change Chair of Adaptation Committee expresses disappointment that NAP3 does not go further

The European Commission adopts a new set of guidelines to assist Member States in implementing and updating national adaptation strategies and plans


Retrofit 23: Towards Deep Retrofit of Homes at Scale exhibition has been extended to 12 October 2023

Climate Week NYC 17 – 24 September 2023

 UN Climate Ambition Summit 2023 20 September 2023, United Nations Headquarters, New York