News and Events Categories:

LCCP Update July 2018

July 11, 2018

News and Past Events Monitoring Adaptation Progress in London’s Health Sector On June 29, LCCP ran a workshop for health sector stakeholders in partnership with PHE and the NHS Sustainable Development Unit. The purpose was to introduce the health element of London’s sector-based adaptation approach and explore setting up a group or network to support … Read more

LCCP’s new Privacy policy

June 4, 2018

In accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation, LCCP has published a new privacy policy. You can find it here.    

LCCP news April 2018

April 18, 2018

News and Past Events TEP/LCCP Workshop: Adaptation in the River Environment On April 16, TEP and LCCP joined forces to host a workshop for stakeholders interested in the sustainability and prosperity of the Thames. Kristen gave an overview and introduction to adaptation, James Trimmer talked about the PLA’s experience and learning from adaptation reporting, Katy … Read more

LCCP News October 2017

November 20, 2017

News and Events The future of London’s wastewater London’s wastewater services face 21st century challenges, including rapid population growth, changing weather patterns, ageing infrastructure, and tightening environmental standards. Thames Water sets out its approach to managing these pressures, and embracing opportunities for innovation, in its London 2100 document. Through an adaptive pathways framework, Thames Water … Read more

LCCP News July 2017

July 19, 2017

News and Events Adaptation Sub-Committee progress report to Parliament On June 29, the Climate Change Committee published its second statutory report on the progress of the UK in preparing for climate change. The major findings are: Some action has been taken to address the risks from climate change, including important steps to fund and improve … Read more

Recruitment: Regional Flood and Coastal Committee Chairs

March 6, 2017

The Thames and four other Regional Flood and Coastal Committees  are looking for a new Chair. Regional Flood and Coastal Committees (RFCCs) are committees established by the Environment Agency under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 that bring together members appointed by Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and independent members with relevant experience for 3 purposes: • … Read more

LCCP News January 2017

January 13, 2017

Reports of recent events, partner activities, job opportunities, and more in our first partnership update of 2017.

The Parable of the Reef: LCCP Chair Chris Rapley in the Huffington Post

June 3, 2016

There once was a beautiful and bountiful reef. Local fishermen made a living by selling its fish. Rich people visited the area to admire its beauty and to enjoy the local sea food. Gradually the number of visitors and fishermen increased, and the number of fish declined… Read the rest of this post here.

LCCP Chair Prof. Chris Rapley appearing at the Edinburgh International Science Festival

April 6, 2016

On Saturday 9th of April  Prof. Chris Rapley will be appearing at the 2016 Edinburgh International Science Festival to share his experience’s delivering the one-man play  ‘2071: The World We’ll Leave Our Grandchildren’ about our climate: how it has changed in the past, how and why it is changing now, and the need for humanity to act in order … Read more

Message from Chris Rapley: Kristen Guida appointed new LCCP Manager

November 20, 2015

Prof Chris Rapley I am pleased to announce that following a competitive process, Kristen Guida has been appointed as Manager of the London Climate Change Partnership, commencing on the 23 November with a duration of 16 months. Kristen is currently Chair of Directors for Climate UK. Her previous role was as Director of Climate South … Read more