LCCP Vision
The London Climate Change Partnership (LCCP) collaboratively renewed its long term plan after 10 years of operation in 2012. Since then we’ve refreshed our vision and mission, and outline our priorities for the rest of the decade and beyond.
Our vision for London’s future
London will become the most climate-resilient global city. London’s people, infrastructure and systems are adapting dynamically to its changing climate, and its economy is reaping the rewards of being a world leader in this field.
LCCP’s mission
LCCP’s mission is to bring together and coordinate public, private and community sector organisations to prepare London for extreme weather today and climate change in the future.
LCCP advances its mission by:
- Collecting and sharing high quality information about expected climate change, its impacts on London and examples of suitable actions to adopt, including where appropriate commissioning research
- Raising awareness of the impacts of climate change with organisations and people, equipping them with the information they need to adapt
- Driving forward adaptation in London through member organisations, leading by example, and acting as sector champions.
- Informing policy with local evidence
- Exchanging information, experience and examples of adaptation actions with other organisations and cities, nationally and internationally
- Monitoring how prepared London is for climate change
- Seeking opportunities to improve resilience alongside reducing carbon emissions.
The Challenges: London
- is potentially more at risk from climate impacts than the rest of the UK because of its complexity, density and location
- is the economic engine of the UK and an integral part of the world economy, and therefore any impact on the city will have repercussions across the UK and internationally
- is reliant on areas outside the city to provide a large percentage of its workforce, its food, water, energy and other consumables
- has a high concentration of vulnerable groups, which are likely to be disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change
- communities are more diverse, more mobile and more fragmented than other parts of the UK, meaning that communicating risk management measures is more difficult.
The Opportunities
Actions we take to increase our resilience will have wider benefits, including improving our health, securing our water and energy supply, creating jobs, attracting investment and sharpening our competitive edge.
For further details of our work, please take a look at our Projects